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Skincare and Bioresonance Therapy

Bioresonance and Skin Diseases

January 10, 2024

Most skin diseases are a result of your body's inability to curb infectious pathogens or respond adequately to the effects of an external stimulus. Additionally, they may also arise as a result of an overstimulation of your body's immune system, known as autoimmune skin disorders, or other severe underlying issues such as cancer.

Acne, scabies, eczema, and warts rank among the most prevalent skin diseases. According to a recent study by the WHO, 900 million individuals worldwide are affected. If you fall among the statistics or simply aspire to achieve clear and healthy skin, then you might want to consider a holistic, non-invasive approach.

Today, we will explore one of such holistic skincare therapies- Bioresonance Technology. But before we do, let’s get on the same page by understanding skin disorders- their symptoms, causes, and the available conventional treatment.

The Skin- An Overview

As the body's largest organ, the skin is tasked with several important functions. These functions border on the skin's strategic location as the barrier between the body and the external environment.

First, the skin is the body's shield against harmful substances in the environment, including microorganisms, ultraviolet radiation, etc. The skin also serves as a dynamic thermoregulator by dilating or constricting the blood vessels to either dissipate or conserve heat energy, respectively, where necessary. It prevents dehydration by acting as a watertight barrier and holding in body fluids.

In addition, when exposed to sunlight, the skin synthesizes vitamin D, which is essential for bone health and other metabolic processes. Certain skin cells, known as Melanocytes, also synthesize melanin, which is protective against ultraviolet radiation. We feel sensations of touch, pressure, and pain through our skin, and this contributes greatly to our daily sensory experiences.

The skin includes every external covering of the body, including the thin skin of the eyelids and the thicker surfaces of the palms of the hands and soles of the foot. The skin is made up of two main layers – the epidermis and the dermis, each with their respective cells, layers, and components. Our hair and nails are skin appendages formed by specialized cells in the skin.

Skin Diseases: What are they?

Skin diseases are conditions that directly irritate, inflame, or clog your skin. Most skin conditions are identifiable by a change in the appearance of the skin or manifestations such as rashes or bumps. While some skin problems appear at birth, others appear later in life, and most may vary in severity from tolerable to life-threatening.

Causes & Risk Factors of Skin Diseases

Skin Conditions may result from a myriad of factors, including.

  1. Infections - microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, viruses, and even parasites are responsible for some common skin conditions, as given below.
  • Bacteria infections cause cellulitis, impetigo, etc.
  • Viral infections cause chicken pox, smallpox, warts, shingles, and herpes simplex.
  • Fungi infections cause Tinea capitis or tinea cruris (ringworm), athlete's foot and jock itch.
  • Parasites such as mice and lice may cause intense itching and inflammation by burrowing into the skin.

Infectious skin diseases are usually contagious and are spread primarily via skin-to-skin contact or as a result of poor personal hygiene.

  1. Inflammatory skin conditions include eczema (atopic dermatitis), psoriasis, and contact dermatitis. They are usually red, itchy, and may be painful.
  2. Allergies often manifest as skin conditions, e.g., hives, contact dermatitis, etc.
  3. Pigmentation disorders: vitiligo or melasma are common pigmentation disorders with prominent skin manifestations.
  4. Autoimmune disorders: these occur when the immune system attacks the skin by mistake. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, commonly known as Lupus or SLE, is a common example.
  5. Hormonal Changes: puberty, pregnancy, and menopause are important physiological states that cause fluctuations in hormonal levels. This can influence skin conditions like melasma and acne.
  6. Trauma and Injuries: burns and scars may lead to complications such as keloids.
  7. Environmental Factors: factors such as excessive sun and heat exposure, irritant chemicals, and pollutants may lead to sunburn, frostbite, skin cancers, and dermatitis.
  8. Genetic Disorders: Inherited genes may predispose individuals to conditions like albinism, ichthyosis, keloid formation, eczema, and psoriasis
  9. Nutritional Deficiencies - nutritional deficiencies such as Vitamin D deficiency may manifest as skin conditions.
  10. Neoplastic Disorders: skin cancers are now increasingly common, and they include melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, and squamous cell carcinoma.

Some of the most common skin disorders include acne, eczema, hives, blisters, keloids, skin cancers, etc. It is thus crucial to understand the varying factors that influence skin health for effective prevention and management of various skin diseases.

Symptoms and Signs of Skin Diseases

The symptoms of skin problems vary based on the condition one has. Generally, symptoms of skin diseases include but are not limited to;

  1. Itching (Pruritus): this is common in conditions such as eczema (atopic dermatitis). The affected skin is usually red and itchy and, most times, appears inflamed. It is common in locations like the face, neck, scalp, etc. Itchy patches of skin characterize psoriasis with an unusual appearance. Color changes are easily visualized in light-skinned individuals.
  2. Redness (Erythema): Conditions like rosacea are characterized by persistent reddening of the skin. In contact dermatitis, there is the appearance of a red rash, usually due to irritants or allergens.
  3. Bumps, Pimples, or Lesions: these are the most common skin disorders and are seen in conditions like Acne vulgaris (pimples), which is usually painless. On the other hand, painful lesions or rashes may be a pointer to cysts or Shingles (Herpes Zoster) caused by the varicella-zoster virus. Painful skin bumps could also be a result of furuncles or carbuncles caused by bacterial infections.
  4. Pigmentation changes: vitiligo is characterized by a loss of skin color in patches. Meanwhile, melasma presents as darker patches of skin, often found on the face, due to hormonal changes. Additionally, vitiligo is common in areas of the skin most exposed to sunlight and is more common in people who are dark-skinned. People with vitiligo often lose their hair color early.
  5. Scaling or Flaking: This is characteristic of the common scalp condition dandruff and tinea (ringworm), where the infection presents itself as discolored patches of dry scales and flakes.
  6. Dry Skin (Xerosis)- this is a feature of conditions like ichthyosis and xeroderma. Excessive dryness could also be a result of environmental factors.
  7. Warmth or Heat Sensations: this is found in cellulitis and inflammatory skin conditions.
  8. Swelling (Edema)- this is also seen in cellulitis and angioedema and often occurs beneath the skin.

Although most skin diseases are easily identifiable, it is important to consult with a dermatologist for an accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Treatment of Common Skin Conditions

Treatment modalities of skin conditions vary based on their respective causes. While some tend to go away without treatment, some might not respond to treatment, while others may recur even after treatment. For instance, acne can typically be treated with medication such as creams and ointment in addition to hormonal therapy. In some cases, lifestyle changes are advisable to reduce the incidence of breakouts.

In other cases, some skin conditions cannot really be treated. They can only be managed using various options, including light therapy and topical medicines, for instance, vitiligo and some forms of eczema. Surgery and periodical intralesional injections are also an option for people with Keloids, which are also mostly incurable.

Summarily, Doctors conventionally treat skin conditions via a combination of Pharmacologic and alternative therapy coupled with surgery as applicable.

Skincare: Can you Treat Skin problems with Bioresonance?

By recording the frequency of energy wavelengths from your body, Bioresonance Technology can help diagnose and cure skin conditions in a non-invasive, painless, and stress-free manner.

The principle behind this is straightforward. Damaged DNA in the body causes the production of unhealthy cells, which have altered electromagnetic waves. Bioresonance therapy rectifies these anomalies and returns the electromagnetic waves to their normal frequency, hence effectively addressing skin issues.

Anywhere Alpha Healing Device Therapy for Skin Conditions 

Using the Anywhere Healing Alpha device, you can get diagnosed with the most common skin disorders. After diagnosis, the device’s oscillations are changed into the healing therapy form, which is then transmitted to the body, unlike conventional therapy.

Furthermore, Bioresonance Technology is unique as it doesn't just focus on the current symptoms. It also addresses the body's internal stressors and allows the body to heal enough and clear up its skin conditions while also lessening the impact of external stimuli.

Bioresonance therapy presents a significant opportunity for those willing to explore it. The Anywhere Healing Alpha device is poised to ensure the effective utilization of bioresonance therapy to meet your specific skin needs.

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